Partnership and declining donations policy

United Kingdom

Last updated: May 2024

1. Introduction

We are a charitable Foundation aiming to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in communities where Greggs operates throughout the UK.  We believe lasting change occurs when communities can grow sustainably from within. We couldn’t possibly achieve this alone.  That’s why we create partnerships with businesses, local schools and community organisations, and offer funds, food and resources to those who can benefit from our wider network of partners and volunteers.  Our values, which we share with Greggs, underpin all of our work and commit us to being friendly, inclusive, honest, respectful, hardworking and appreciative. We aim to provide a welcoming and supportive culture where people feel valued and have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. 

We aim to have positive relationships with supporters through donations, volunteering and gifts in kind. We welcome relationships with partners who share our values and aim to improve people’s health and wellbeing in communities that need it most.   

2. Partnership Policy

2.1 Context  

This policy addresses partnerships with other organisations and individuals where that organisation or individual provides us with money, skills or other resources.   Partnerships include but are not restricted to donations and grants.  We actively seek opportunities to work together with a range of external organisations and individuals who share our values and our aim to improve people’s health and wellbeing and believe that working together with partners is one of the ways in which we can better achieve this aim.  It is also vital that we maintain our independence and do not allow any partnership to bring the Foundation’s name into disrepute. We therefore apply the following key principles to our partnerships. 

2.2 Key principles of partnerships  

  • We seek to engage with as wide an audience as possible.  Businesses, schools, community organisations and individuals all have a role to play in working with us to achieve our aim to improve people’s health and wellbeing in communities that need it most.      

  • All partnership engagement must have a clearly defined purpose which aligns with our values and aim.  

  • We will accept contributions of resources and/or undertake joint work with selected partners where this helps advance our aim.  

  • We will retain our right to terminate engagement with a partner for reasons relating to actual or potential reputational harm, legal compliance, breach of an agreement, and misuse of intellectual property including our name.  

3. Policy for declining donations

3.1 Context 

 This policy outlines the principles and procedure underpinning the Foundation’s acceptance, refusal and returning of donations. We recognise that in most cases there will be no reason to refuse or return a donation. However, for reputational or practical reasons it may be necessary for us to consider whether it is right for us to accept and indeed to decline or return a donation. This policy aims to ensure clarity and transparency to all of our stakeholders. 

3.2 Key principles of accepting, declining or returning a donation 

We are committed to ensuring we maintain high standards in our fundraising, and to protecting the name and reputation of the Foundation from being connected with activities seen to be to the detriment of delivering our charitable objectives.  We reserve the right to refuse or return donations or terminate partnerships not in our best interests and in the following circumstances:  

  • Potential for significant, adverse impact on the reputation of Greggs Foundation;  

  • The donation comes from an illegal source; 

  • The donation comes from a donor who does not have the mental ability to decide to donate; 

  • The donation cannot legally be given to us; 

  • The donation would require us to carry out activities that are not compliant with our charitable objects or otherwise act unlawfully; 

  • The donation has restrictions which we are not willing or able to fulfil;  

  • The donation undermines our governance and/or operational arrangements.  

4. Implementation

The ultimate responsibility in respect of acceptance, refusal or return of all donations rests with the Trustee Board.  The responsibility is delegated to the Foundation Manager who has responsibility for ensuring that the Foundation staff team are trained in the circumstances in which a donation or entering into a partnership is declined. 

5. Transparency

This policy will be shared internally and communicated to relevant stakeholders.  It will also be made available externally on the Foundation’s website.